interactive media animated dashboards remote monitoring IoT real-time data visualization augmented reality


Visual Automation & Digital Media Solutions

Warehouse Operations

Diagramics Warehouse Operations

no-goggles augmented reality for your inventory and shipment

Diagramics Warehouse Operations is a customizable solution that enables warehouse floor operators to have instant access to all data stored in warehouse digital twin and map inventory to the physical space.

Warehouse Digital Twins

Diagramics will help you to build your warehouse digital twin, connect it to your ERP and CRM systems, enable IoT, and compose all visual UI screens. We will work in close contact with your IT and OT engineers to deliver a custom turnkey solutions to modernize your warehouse operations.

Out-of-the-box integrations include:
  • Microsoft Office 365
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 (Connected Field Service)
  • Azure IoT Central
  • Azure IoT solution accelerators (Connected Factory & Remote Monitoring)
  • Azure IoT Digital Twins

Remote Assistant

Diagramics Remote Assistant for Warehouse Operation is an interactive augmented reality (AR) application that runs on any Windows device and does not require any 3D glasses to display warehouse space and visual information overlays.

Diagramics Remote Assistant enables warehouse floor operators to have instant access to all data stored in warehouse digital twin and map inventory to the physical space.

Inventory data, work-order and shipping info, location of containers on shelves, and other operational data, which is usually hidden inside ERP and CRM systems, is now become available for the operator with a single touch and allows quickly visualize and locate the product on the shelves.