interactive media animated dashboards remote monitoring IoT real-time data visualization augmented reality


Visual Automation & Digital Media Solutions

Industrial Digital Signage

Diagramics is a proud member of:
  • Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF)
  • OPC UA - Industrial Interoperability Standard Foundation

Diagramics Industrial Digital Signage

Diagramics Industrial Digital Signage is a turnkey SaaS solution that targets industrial companies, facilitates sharing visual informaiton, and enables visual communication between machines and people.

Industrie 4.0

Diagramics Industrial Digital Signage helps companies with digital transformation to "Industrie 4.0" and addresses two design principles of the "Industrie 4.0":
  • Information transparency:
    Diagramics Signage provides operators with vast amounts of useful information needed to make appropriate decisions.
    Diagramics Signage also helps operators to collect data from all points in the manufacturing process, thus aiding functionality and identifying key areas that can benefit from innovation and improvement.
  • Technical assistance:
    Diagramics Signage is an assistance system that supports humans by aggregating and visualizing information comprehensively for making informed decisions.

Data Sources

Diagramics Industrial Digital Signage solution is hosted on Microsoft Azure Cloud and comes pre-integrated with numerous data sources, including:
  • Microsoft Office 365
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 (Connected Field Service)
  • Azure IoT Central
  • Azure IoT solution accelerators (Connected Factory & Remote Monitoring)
  • Azure IoT Digital Twins