interactive media animated dashboards remote monitoring IoT real-time data visualization augmented reality


Visual Automation & Digital Media Solutions

Information Display Players

Diagramics© InfoPlayer™
Information Display Players

Diagramics InfoPlayer™ Information Display Player devices can turn any display, monitor or TV screen into an informational screen, digital signage board, corporate communication panel, home information center, or operations control room display.

Diagramics is a Microsoft authorized OEM device partner.
Diagramics InfoPlayer™ devices run customized Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC operating system on commodity mini-PC hardware.

All Diagramics InfoPlayer™ devices are Microsoft Azure Certified devices:
Azure Certified for IoT Device Catalog - Diagramics Information Display Player

Diagramics information display players based on Intel© and Asus© NUC hardware are versatile devices, available in a wide range of configurations supporting multiple screens and can turn any HDMI-capable monitor or TV screen into a digital signage board, corporate communication panel, or industrial operation control center.

Diagramics is an Intel Solution Alliance Titanium partner.
Intel Partner Marketplace - Diagramics

Industrial Rugged Fanless Devices


Intel NUC Rugged Element
Intel rugged mini-PC device with standard HDMI and DP ports, which allow to plug into any display, monitor or Smart TV.
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC
Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) operating system from Microsoft, specifically designed for connected IoT devices.
Diagramics InfoPlayer™ Runtime
Connectivity to Microsoft Azure IoT cloud. Automated updates and self-registration. Background delivery of data, applications, and media. Health and performance monitoring.
Diagramics InfoPlayer™ applications
Real-time IoT & IT data visualizer, interactive digital media player, animated dashboards


Intel NUC 8 Rugged
Intel rugged mini-PC device with standard HDMI and DP ports, which allow to plug into any display, monitor or Smart TV.
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC
Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) operating system from Microsoft, specifically designed for connected IoT devices.
Diagramics InfoPlayer™ Runtime
Connectivity to Microsoft Azure IoT cloud. Automated updates and self-registration. Background delivery of data, applications, and media. Health and performance monitoring.
Diagramics InfoPlayer™ applications
Real-time IoT & IT data visualizer, interactive digital media player, animated dashboards

Pro Fanless Devices


Intel NUC Pro
Intel rugged mini-PC device with standard HDMI and DP ports, which allow to plug into any display, monitor or Smart TV.
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC
Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) operating system from Microsoft, specifically designed for connected IoT devices.
Diagramics InfoPlayer™ Runtime
Connectivity to Microsoft Azure IoT cloud. Automated updates and self-registration. Background delivery of data, applications, and media. Health and performance monitoring.
Diagramics InfoPlayer™ applications
Real-time IoT & IT data visualizer, interactive digital media player, animated dashboards